Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania awarded grant from the Comcast Foundation

Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania (ESWCPA) has received a generous grant from the Comcast Foundation. The grant provides funding that enables Easter Seals to enhance Adult Programs through an online social interaction training program.
“Easter Seals is extremely grateful to the Comcast Foundation for this generous gift,” said Jim Bennett, President and CEO of Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania. “This Comcast Digital Learning grant will provide ESWCPA the opportunity to add a technology component to our Adult Programs. Consumers will have the option to share their daily activities via online social media with family and friend in a supportive environment while developing the life skills for participation in our media/information rich society.” Bennett added.
Basic computer instruction with assistive technology devices and online social media training are two components that will be supported by this grant. The social media training will include but not be limited to, online safety and email account creation. This addition to currently existing Adult Program services will provide essential accessibility to computers for 78 adult consumers with significant vision, hearing, dexterity, communication or learning needs. This service will be available throughout the year for socialization, informational purposes and skill development.
“We’re proud to support Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania’s Adult Programs with this Comcast Digital Learning grant,” said Christine Whitaker, Senior Vice President, Comcast. “By providing the training and technology that help Easter Seals’ consumers participate in online forums, social media and email, we’re helping to expand their networks within the disability community as well as among family and friends.”
About Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania
Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania provides programs and services for adults and children with autism and other special needs. Our community-based programs provide therapeutic, educational and vocational rehabilitative services to people with disabilities. Last year, Easter Seals served nearly 17,000 individuals and their families throughout 47 counties in western and central Pennsylvania.
About the Comcast Foundation
The Comcast Foundation was founded by Comcast Corporation in June 1999 to provide charitable support to qualified nonprofit organizations. The Foundation primarily invests in programs intended to have a positive, sustainable impact on their communities. The Foundation has three community investment priorities – expanding digital literacy, promoting community service and building tomorrow’s leaders. Since its inception, the Comcast Foundation has donated nearly $176 million to organizations in the communities nationwide that Comcast serves. More information about the Foundation and its programs is available at www.comcast.com/community.
This grant from the Comcast Foundation is in recognition of Comcast’s commitment to the communities where its customers and employees live and work. Since its founding in 1999, the Comcast Foundation has distributed more than $163 million in cash support of programs implemented locally in Comcast communities.